Found Cats and Kittens: What should I do if I find a kitten between 8 and 20 weeks of age?

Only attempt to rescue kittens if it is safe for you to do so, with minimal risk of being bitten or scratched.
If you are bitten or badly scratched by a cat/kitten always seek medical care immediately as these injuries can cause severe infection and illness in people.
All kittens with an illness or injury must be seen by a veterinarian.
Always phone ahead to ensure a vet is at the clinic and can assist you.
- Collar and ID tag – phone owner.
- No ID – check, then post cat found, on Tasmanian Lost Pet Register:
- Ask neighbours if they own the kitten or know who does.
- Phone your local vet or Ten Lives to book an appointment for a microchip scan. Microchip scans are a free service at most veterinary clinics.
- No microchip – contact Ten Lives on 6278 2111 and book an appointment to bring the kitten in. Click Here for more information on the procedures for bringing a stray kitten in to Ten Lives.
- Make flyers and posters – distribute within a four-block radius, see below for example and template.
- Remove all posters if kitten is claimed by owner.
If hungry give canned kitten food (preferably chicken varieties) and a bowl of water.
Do not leave food in tins when feeding due to the risk of injury to their mouth, tongue, and/or face.
Do not give cow’s milk/supermarket cat milk, it can cause diarrhea.
Wandering young kittens are vulnerable to hunger and injury and require immediate care.
If someone contacts you claiming the kittens belongs to them, and it is not microchipped, ask for proof of ownership, such as a photo.
Kittens can be desexed and microchipped from 8-10 weeks of age.
Transporting Cats & Kittens
- When taking a cat to a vet or Ten Lives ensure it is contained securely in a carrier. Ten Lives have carriers available to borrow to transport safely.
- Temporarily placing a lightweight blanket or towel over the cat/kitten will assist with handling.
- Covering the carrier with a light weight blanket or towel will assist in calming the cat/kitten.
- Do not attempt to carry any cat/kitten in your arms, it must be securely contained.
- If you arrive at Ten Lives, and the cat/kitten is not contained, leave the cat in the car and ask reception for a carrier.
- Containing a cat/kitten when transporting it will make the cat feel safe and prevent it escaping and becoming lost.