Section: Cat Centre

Report a Lost Cat


Losing a pet can be a traumatic experience for the whole family as well as being very stressful and dangerous for your pet.

To minimise the risk of your cat or kitten becoming lost, it is recommended that you keep your cat safe indoors or in a spacious and stimulating cat enclosure by day and inside the house at night. At the very least, cats should be kept inside overnight. Protected from dogs, traffic, cat fights and the risk of contracting feline AIDS, we know that enclosed cats can live twice as long on average than “outside” cats.

Having your cat or kitten microchipped is crucial for them to be returned home to you as quickly as possible. Microchipping is a simple, painless and inexpensive way to have your cat permanently identified when they are taken to a shelter or a veterinary clinic.

As well as microchipping your cat it is equally important to have a collar with a name tag with his or her name, street name and phone number engraved clearly on it.  This helps to prevent well meaning members of the public who think a cat may be a stray taking it to a shelter or to a veterinary clinic, which can be a stressful experience for your cat.  There are many well designed collars, such as the breakaway type of collars which can be adjusted to suit both the size and weight of your cat.  Once caught the collar unclips thus prevent entrapment and or collar injuries.

Remember the safest place for your cat will be either inside or in a spacious and stimulating cat enclosure.

What to do if your cat goes missing:

1. Report your missing cat to the Ten Lives Cat Centre below.

2. Check inside and outside your house thoroughly including wardrobes, cupboards, under beds, behind furniture & appliances. Check inside washing machines & dryers, sheds and garages. Cats can climb into some extraordinary places!

3. Walk around the neighbourhood calling out to your cat. Check storm water drains & sewers (look down grates & call your cat’s name). Check in trees, under bushes & cars.

4. Ask your neighbours to check their houses, under their houses, garages & sheds. It’s worthwhile asking your neighbours to ask their children to keep a look out for your pet too.

5. Contact your Vet and local Vets, someone may have picked up your cat and taken it to a vet hospital.

6. Print out flyers & include a photo of your pet, your first name and a phone number. Letterbox drop as many houses as possible in a five-street radius as some cats can have a territory of one square kilometre and the more eyes you have looking the better.

7. Put flyers in local shops and supermarkets. Include your first name & phone number.

8. Call the RSPCA in case someone has taken your cat there. Give them a photo of your pet.

19. Place an advertisement in your local newspaper.