Our aim is to improve responsible cat ownership within our community and that is why Ten Lives is a key partner in the innovative cat management program on Bruny Island. We have taken these learnings and applied them in other locations, notably Richmond.

The State Government’s Cat Management Coordinator, Dr Sara Balouch (TassieCat), who is based at Ten Lives, and Dibas Panta, Sorell Council’s Natural Resources and Environment Coordinator, have got together with Ten Lives to look at a cat management project for Midway Point.

We want to improve the welfare of cats in our community.
Our holistic approach to this challenge initially encompasses significant community consultation including surveys, leaflet drops and simply walking the streets and talking to the locals to understand their views and concerns on cat management. Camera surveys with infrared cameras provided by Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania is another way that we can gather information to get baseline data of the extent of the problem and find opportunities to improve the welfare of cats, help our community, and protect the environment.

After this is done we can consider further activities to promote microchipping and desexing of cats, finding homes for unwanted litters and strays, helping people that my have too many cats for them to care for properly, and trapping feral cats in the bush.

How can you help?

We need your opinion and support for this proposed Cat Management Community Project in Midway Point.

Can we…

  • Improve the welfare of local cats?
  • Decrease unwanted animals in our community?
  • Protect wildlife?
  • Decrease community nuisance of stray and feral cats?

You can get involved by…

  • Talking to us! Give us your thoughts and ideas
  • We will be hitting the Midway Point streets to chat to people about cats
  • Email [email protected]
  • Phone 6278 2111
  • Filling out our survey: visit tenlives.com.au/midway-survey/ to fill out our online survey
  • Promoting this initiative
  • Discussing cats with interested parties in the community (business owners, friends or family members) and sending them our way if they would like to be involved further