Wilco's Warriors

Social media saves the day!
ARTICLE BY: Joel Diprose, Ten Lives.
Wilco is a big handsome boy who was surrendered to us on the 16th of June through no fault of his own. He was placed into foster care to recover from a mild case of cat flu but unfortunately poor Wilco has had a series of health setbacks along the way.
The poor lad was having problems digesting his food which is causing him to regurgitate it or vomit. As a result, one of our vets fostered him as he needed to be hand-fed every hour with a special diet of diluted prescription food that is high in protein and easy to swallow.
If that wasn’t enough poking and prodding, he was also on medication to make him more comfortable, had been on a drip to build fluids, and had bloods taken as well!
The next step in Wilco’s diagnosis was an endoscopy to see if he has Esophagitis – an inflammation of the throat – or a Stricture – a tightening of the esophagus.
As our vet surgery isn’t equipped with endoscope facilities, he had to have the procedure done by our friends at North Hobart Veterinary Hospital.
Although Wilco can be a little timid at times, once he is comfortable he is very affectionate, loves cuddles and is a total smooch!
On the 22nd of July we lanched a crowdfunding campaign looking to raise $1,500 to cover the costs of this vital procedure, with any extra funds raised directed to his ongoing medical care.
Amazingly, we raised the $1,500 in just 62 minutes, with the final total being $2,080!

Wilco cuddling his foster carer and Ten Lives Vet Ruth Pye, who dilligently helped him to eat by hand-feeding him every hour.
The results are in:
Wilco had his endoscopy on the 24th of July, and the good news is no stricture! However, he will require at least another 2-3 weeks in foster care while he gets over Esophagitis which, with a bit of patience and care, should continue to resolve. During this time he will be weaned off his meds and start increasing quantities of food per meal.
Thank you again to all of Wilco’s Warriors who donated to help
him with his procedure and ongoing care, helping with his fight to full health!

After 104 days in care, Wilco’s battling days are behind him having won the ultimate fight: finding his purrfect forever home with Glenn on the 28th of September!
Best wishes to Wilco as he starts the next chapter in his story, and thank you to all of Wilco’s Warriors for being part of it.