Dark Meowfo founder Noel Hunt has washed his hands of any controversy stirred up by the recent installation of a 140ft ‘inverted’ paw at Hobart’s Cornelian Bay as part of the Ten Lives midwinter festival.
Hunt responded to allegations from members of Hobart’s cat community that the installation was “highly offensive” by saying that “The paw has long been a symbol for feline culture but sets an unfair expectation for little meow-meows that like to roll around with their cutesie-wootsie toe beans in the air”.
Further fuel was added to the controversy when it came to light that Dark Meowfo creative director, Joel Diprose, had failed to get the required council permits for the erection of the structure.

It has been stated that the presence of the inverted paw has caused issues for local residents who have reported their cats experiencing zoomies much later into the night, although these claims have not been substantiated.
“Since they put it there every morning Mittens has been sitting on my chest chanting. Every morning. This is not like her, usually it’s only like once, or twice a week max” Mellissa Jackson, Lutana.
Although the installation has sparked outrage amongst conservative members of Hobart’s cat community visitors to the site have had mixed responses.
“I don’t get it. It looks like a koala” Pravesh Moran, West Hobart.
“I like it, everything about it screams Meow!’’ Ken Gregory, Moonah.
The installation does in fact scream meow, which has resulted in a total of 33 complaints being lodged to the Hobart City Council from as far away as South Hobart.

“It’s not artistic, it’s plain annoying!” Sarah Peters, Brunswick, who was disappointed after travelling to Tasmania just to see the exhibit.
Debate continues as to whether the decision to invert the paw is art or profanity. Unfortunately for those wishing to see the exhibit, the remains of the installation have now been removed after a traffic incident involving a Pura Milk truck.
Dark Meowfo continues at Ten Lives Cat Centre this weekend. Come in and meet all the kitties available for adoption.
Saturday 10:00am to 4:00pm
Sunday 10:00am to 2:30pm
12 Selfs Point Road, New Town