We are aware of an emerging issue regarding the HomeSafeID microchip registry.
Since April 2017 many cats adopted from Ten Lives have had their microchip registered with HomeSafeID.
HomeSafeID are currently uncontactable. Their microchip database is currently available, however there is uncertainty as to their future.
The HomeSafeID registry may go offline in the future. This means if your cat goes missing, the contact details on the microchip may not be available.
If your pet is registered with HomeSafeID, you will need to change your microchip registration to another company.
What you need to do:
- Find your cat’s microchip number. This will be located on your adoption paperwork from Ten Lives. If you need to get your cat’s microchip number from Ten Lives please click here.
- Check your pet’s microchip registration at: https://petaddress.com.au
- This will show you where your cat’s microchip is registered. If it happens to be registered to HomeSafeID their/your information is still currently available online. Therefore, if your cat is scanned via shelters or vets, the microchip information is still available.
Some of your options are detailed below:
We are still awaiting confirmation from this provider for the transfer procedure from HomeSafeID.
Australasian Animal Registry’s webpage is https://www.aar.org.au
CENTRAL ANIMAL RECORDS https://car.com.au
- Central Animal Records is offering a discounted rate of $11.99
- Pet owners can use the following link to create an account with Central Animal Records and follow the prompt to list online. https://car.animalrecords.com.au/user/sign_up
GLOBAL MICRO ANIMAL REGISTRY https://www.globalmicro.com.au
- Global are accepting re-registrations from HomeSafeID clients in Tasmania and are waiving all fees.
- Ownership transfer will require supporting documentation.
- Dual registration of pets is not usually accepted. Due to the unique circumstances surrounding HomeSafeID, they are accepting re-registrations for affected pets, provided that:
- the request comes from the same owner listed with HomeSafeID
- or includes supporting documentation verifying a legitimate transfer of ownership.
- Download form here. Complete form mentioning you have adopted from Ten Lives and send any documentation to: [email protected]
PETSAFE https://www.petsafe.com.au
- There is a $10 admin fee.
- Download form here. Form can be returned to [email protected]
For enquiries please contact Ten Lives Support at [email protected]