We are thrilled to begin the next chapter of the Cat Centre’s history with a new name and a new look.
Why have we changed our name?
The Centre has a proud history of more than 70 years of caring for the unwanted cats and kittens of southern Hobart. We recognise and honour the extraordinary contribution of the pioneers of animal and cat welfare, Joan Allport and Florence Robson, as well as Mona Foster, Ingrid Tebb and all the past Presidents, Managers, staff and volunteers who have made the Centre such a special place over the past four decades.
Building on this legacy, and thanks to the efforts of the Board and Centre Manager in developing and implementing the Strategic Plan over the past two years, in 2017 we are now more than just a cat rescue centre in Hobart:
- we care for the cats and kittens of southern Tasmania (Hobart, Glenorchy, Clarence, Kingborough, Sorell)
- we have an in-house veterinary surgery to provide immediate, first-class care for cats
- we are educating the community on responsible cat ownership and cat welfare through our Community and Education Manager
- we will play a ground-breaking, grass roots role in responsible cat ownership across Tasmania through the school-based Edu.Cat Program from Kindergarten to Year 7
- we are taking a leading role in cat management through involvement in community reference groups and partnerships with organisations such as Councils, DPIPWE, Tasmanian Conservation Trust, UTAS, University of South Australia and Tasmanian Land Conservancy.
The new name “Ten Lives Cat Centre” better reflects who we are, what we do and where we do it: for cats, the environment and the community in Tasmania. “Ten Lives” gives us a voice on a state, national and even international level as a leading cat management organisation.
What does Ten Lives mean?
Ten Lives is a play on the old English proverb that claims, “A cat has nine lives. For three he plays, for three he strays and for the last three he stays.”
We believe that when a cat comes to us, we give him one extra life, so in fact he has Ten Lives.
What does the new logo represent?
The cat is at the centre of everything we do
The ten colours represent the ten lives of a cat
The different colours represent the pillars of our Strategic Plan, which are:
- our cats
- our people
- our sustainable organisation
- our environment
- our community.
We love our new look and hope you do too! Please come into the Centre for a closer look. Enjoy a coffee as you wander, have a smooch with our kitties for adoption and pick up a sticker to spread the word. Thank you – our success relies on your support!