New Resources Available!
Our New Adoption Booklet

Congratulations! You’ve adopted a cat or kitten with Ten Lives, so what happens next? We’ve got you and your new family member covered.
When a Ten Lives cat is adopted into a new family, we want the transition into their new home to be as smooth and as stress-free as possible.
To assist with this our head veterinary nurse, Jen Pelham, has written an adoption booklet that will go home with each of our cats. It is designed to be referred back to as often as needed, and is approved by Katrina Ward, veterinary behaviourist.
The booklet contains:
- A cat/kitten arrival checklist
- Details about settling in adult cats and kittens
- Instructions to introduce your new cat to your other pets, both dogs and cats
- Information on cat body language
- Tips for caring for your new cat’s health
- How to litter train kittens and deal with litter tray aversions
- What to do if your cat goes missing.
We hope it is a useful resource and we appreciate any feedback.
Let us know how the booklet helps you to settle in your newest family member!
Our New Fact Sheets Range

These Fact Sheets are designed to assist you should you in a wide range of situations:
- What to do if you come across injured, sick or stray cats or kittens.
- Information on trapping stray or feral cats and how to hire a trap or make a surrender appointment.
- Problem solving solutions for you and your own cat.
Find all our new Fact Sheet resources right here.