Section: Building Fund
Heroic Huckle’s Tenth Life

Defying the odds and finding his forever home!
ARTICLE BY: Freya Langford-Sidebottom, Ten Lives

Huckle came to us at the Centre on the 22nd of May. He had been found in someone’s yard, not moving, and in very bad shape (intake photo below). He had trauma to his face, jaw and tongue, dried blood around his ears, conjunctivitus, and we suspect he had been hit by a car.
When an x-ray was ordered for Huckle to examine further the injury to his misaligned jaw, we discovered with shock and dismay, that this brave boy had a bullet lodged in his cranium. The position of this bullet means that for the time-being, removing it poses a greater risk to his health than leaving it in, and so for the past few months he has been adapting to living with it.
For Huckle, our primary concern was his quality of life. With our Vets and the Animal Care Team keeping a close eye on him, the big question was whether or not he would be able to recover to a point where he was able to eat properly, and wasn’t living with constant pain and discomfort. We didn’t know which way he would end up going.
Huckle has shown himself to be a very friendly and sweet boy, but his ordeal has left him understandably very timid and cautious. However, after lots of love and patience, we are thrilled to report he has been regaining confidence with each day, and looks to be physically and emotionally on the road to recovery!

Happy News For Huckle!

Our wonderful Volunteer Animal Care Attendant Julie Nedich had been helping with seeing to Huckle’s day-to-day care, involving feeding him, changing his litter tray, and just spending time with the timid boy.
Julie says she absolutely fell in love with his handsome face, and the more time she spent with Huckle, the more she knew he was the cat for her.
Julie has officially adopted Huckle and we know he is going to be a very spoiled and happy boy! We are so thrilled this brave lad gets such a wonderful and caring forever home after all that he has been through!
Huckle Update:

“He’s been settling in well! He’s still a bit anxious but I think he’ll always be like that. He loves to lie on me in bed and sleeps on me, I wake up and I think I can’t breathe, but it’s just Huckle lying on me.“
“He loves food, he eats me out of house and home, a great appetite! He’s very spoiled, he’s my baby. I love him to bits.“
“I’ve brought him a beautiful cat enclosure from Ten Lives which we need to install for him, as he is an indoor cat.“
We’re building a brighter future for kitties like Huckle, can they count on your support?